Monday, March 23, 2009


October 29, 694

Its weird blogging again after such a long time away. I know its been two years but the events of that summer are still clear in my mind. We lasted till late August and then she left me, like I was nothing. It crushed me. This was one of the last poems I wrote while I was still with her.

ODI et amo. quare id faciam, fortasse requiris.
nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.

I hate and I love. That which we make, is required fortification.
I see, but old age and death happen.

And this is my newest work.

SI quicquam cupido optantique optigit umquam
insperanti, hoc est gratum animo proprie.
quare hoc est gratum nobis quoque carius auro
quod te restituis, Lesbia, mi cupido.
restituis cupido atque insperanti, ipsa refers te
nobis. o lucem candidiore nota!
quis me uno uiuit felicior aut magis hac est
optandus uita dicere quis poterit?

If I am not expecting to befall this chosen desire,
This is truly pleasing.
Which this is great and noble that beloved gold,
Who restores, Lesbia, my desire,
She resists my desire because it is not expected,
Which she herself gives back. O bright lucid day!
Which I live happy that one, however will I be able to speak
My wish for this great thing?

I never did get back together with her. We had our off and on flings over the past 2 years but nothing more that meaningless sex. I wasted a lot of time on that woman and it got me nothing. But I had some fun.

For the final time-

Catullus out...


  1. Catullus- I really did have some fun with Lesbia but Im kinda glad that its over.

  2. Catullus- I have also been happy to give all you a window into my world and to share my poems.

  3. Catullus- Thank you all so much for sticking with me. I couldn't have done all this without you guys. Its been amazing.

    Catullus out...
