Monday, March 23, 2009


October 29, 694

Its weird blogging again after such a long time away. I know its been two years but the events of that summer are still clear in my mind. We lasted till late August and then she left me, like I was nothing. It crushed me. This was one of the last poems I wrote while I was still with her.

ODI et amo. quare id faciam, fortasse requiris.
nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.

I hate and I love. That which we make, is required fortification.
I see, but old age and death happen.

And this is my newest work.

SI quicquam cupido optantique optigit umquam
insperanti, hoc est gratum animo proprie.
quare hoc est gratum nobis quoque carius auro
quod te restituis, Lesbia, mi cupido.
restituis cupido atque insperanti, ipsa refers te
nobis. o lucem candidiore nota!
quis me uno uiuit felicior aut magis hac est
optandus uita dicere quis poterit?

If I am not expecting to befall this chosen desire,
This is truly pleasing.
Which this is great and noble that beloved gold,
Who restores, Lesbia, my desire,
She resists my desire because it is not expected,
Which she herself gives back. O bright lucid day!
Which I live happy that one, however will I be able to speak
My wish for this great thing?

I never did get back together with her. We had our off and on flings over the past 2 years but nothing more that meaningless sex. I wasted a lot of time on that woman and it got me nothing. But I had some fun.

For the final time-

Catullus out...

We might be done

June 27, 692

So yea me and Lesbia are having problems. I knew that she was married when this whole thing started but now she's cheating on me with other guys. Its terrible. Im so hurt. Well here's the second preview of the wedding epic

illa rudem cursu prima imbuit Amphitriten;
quae simul ac rostro uentosum proscidit aequor
tortaque remigio spumis incanuit unda,
emersere freti candenti e gurgite uultus
aequoreae monstrum Nereides admirantes.
illa, atque alia, uiderunt luce marinas
mortales oculis nudato corpore Nymphas
nutricum tenus exstantes e gurgite cano.
tum Thetidis Peleus incensus fertur amore,
tum Thetis humanos non despexit hymenaeos,
tum Thetidi pater ipse iugandum Pelea sensit.

That rough course wet the first Amphitriten,
which at the same time cut the windy curved
bow and turned the sea and rowing the waves
and foam turned gray, they admired as it
emerged from the sea the gleaming face of
the whirlpool the monster of the sea Nereides.
That, and another, They looked at the
shining sea with mortal eyes the striped bodies
of nymphs nursing existing as far out of the whirlpool aged.
Then Thetis Peleus set fire and took his love,
then Thetis the man did not distain marriage,
Then the father of Thetis married Peleus to Thetis feel.

I just think that Lesbia and I are done. But I'm willing to work through this if she is.
Catullus out...

Wedding Epic preview

June 23, 692

So i just wrote a new wedding epic. I'm not done but i wanted to give you guys a sneak peak.

PELIACO quondam prognatae uertice pinus
dicuntur liquidas Neptuni nasse per undas
Phasidos ad fluctus et fines Aeetaeos,
cum lecti iuuenes, Argiuae robora pubis,
auratam optantes Colchis auertere pellem
ausi sunt uada salsa cita decurrere puppi,
caerula uerrentes abiegnis aequora palmis.
diua quibus retinens in summis urbibus arces
ipsa leui fecit uolitantem flamine currum,
pinea coniungens inflexae texta carinae.

Peliaco once descended from the clear whirlpool
declared Neptune of the sea during a flood to Phasodos
to the wave and the end of Aeetaos, when the young chosen,
Gaius Argiuae gave his strength to the people,
they gilded the chosen skin turned away from Colchis
to be prepared in a shallow place salted
and set in a hurry for the ship,
The sea was swept clean of wood and the palm made smooth.
The divine goddess who observed into the greatest
the City and protected herself made smooth flying
about the priest and chariot,
bent the pines together weaving the ship.

Theres gonna be another sneak peak coming soon. And Im also having problems with Lesbia. but more on that next time.

Catullus out...

Some people are just nasty

June 19, 692

Egnatius is this guy i know and he is so gross. Lesbia agrees with me too. So I decided to write this about him. I think its pretty funny. And writing it totally helped me relax.

EGNATIVS, quod candidos habet dentes,
renidet usque quaque. si ad rei uentum est
subsellium, cum orator excitat fletum,
renidet ille; si ad pii rogum fili
lugetur, orba cum flet unicum mater,
renidet ille. quidquid est, ubicumque est,
quodcumque agit, renidet: hunc habet morbum,
neque elegantem, ut arbitror, neque urbanum.
quare monendum est te mihi, bone Egnati.
si urbanus esses aut Sabinus aut Tiburs
aut pinguis Vmber aut obesus Etruscus
aut Lanuuinus ater atque dentatus
aut Transpadanus, ut meos quoque attingam,
aut quilubet, qui puriter lauit dentes,
tamen renidere usque quaque te nollem:
nam risu inepto res ineptior nulla est.
nunc Celtiber es: Celtiberia in terra,
quod quisque minxit, hoc sibi solet mane
dentem atque russam defricare gingiuam,
ut quo iste uester expolitior dens est,
hoc te amplius bibisse praedicet loti.

Egnatius, because you have radient teeth, they shine to everyone. If the thing comes up to the bench, when the speaker stirs from weeping, those shine; if to mourn the blessed dead son on the funeral pyre, cry for the only mothers who are childless, those shine. Because of this, wherever is, drive however many, they shine: They have death, nor elegant, to judge, neither city wit. Remind me how you, good Egnatius. If the city is or Sabines or Tiber or the rich Vimber or the rich Etrsucans or Lanuuinus black and the teeth and beyond, that my likewise touch, or that it pleases, that you wash your teeth with pus 3 times a day, yet all the way that and be unwilling: for silly laughter is trifling thing not existing. Now the Celtiberae: The Celtiberae in the land, which will urinate, this they became accustomed to mourn the teeth and rub hard with red gum, that your teeth are, this you drink greatly before you wash and bathe.

See i told you guys. Lesbia and I are doing great but Im still unsure if it will really last. well time will tell
Catullus out...

I hate dudes

June 14, 692

They think they are so awesome but really they suck. Theres this group of d-bags that hang at this tavern that Lesbia likes and they always hit on her. I'm so tired of this. And instead of slashing the tires on their cars I decided to deal with my aggression constructively.

ad contubernales et Egnatium

SALAX taberna uosque contubernales,
a pilleatis nona fratribus pila,
solis putatis esse mentulas uobis,
solis licere, quidquid est puellarum,
confutuere et putare ceteros hircos?
an, continenter quod sedetis insulsi
centum an ducenti, non putatis ausurum
me una ducentos irrumare sessores?
atqui putate: namque totius uobis
frontem tabernae sopionibus scribam.
puella nam mi, quae meo sinu fugit,
amata tantum quantum amabitur nulla,
pro qua mihi sunt magna bella pugnata,
consedit istic. hanc boni beatique
omnes amatis, et quidem, quod indignum est,
omnes pusilli et semitarii moechi;
tu praeter omnes une de capillatis,
cuniculosae Celtiberiae fili,
Egnati. opaca quem bonum facit barba
et dens Hibera defricatus urina.

In the tavern there are lustful brothers,
The brothers hang around the nine pillars,
You think that you alone have dicks,
You alone bid for them, that whatever girl is there,
Wants to lie with them and the rest he-goats?
Can it be that, you who sit unbroken, stupid
for a hundred ( two hundred, perhaps?), none of you intend to think
while I alone have two hundred time oral than the loungers?
But you think: I will not draw your whole face on the tavern and with it a dick.
The girl is mine, flee that of my curve,
She shall love none so great as her love,
For i wage war for the fight of her greatness,
Sit down over there. All this love is good and happy,
And indeed, that is unworthy,
All the little trifles and footpaths of adulterers;
Besides you all only have one long hair,
Son of the Celtiberians who abound in rabbits, Egnati,
They make their dark beards
And rub their teeth with urine like the Hiberus.

Man, I am so tired of people. but I've always got Lesbia.

Catullus out...

Too Perfect

June 10, 692

I'm crazy about her you guys. I just can't explain it. All I know is that this whole thing has really given a boost to my writing skills.

ad Lesbiam

QVAERIS, quot mihi basiationes
tuae, Lesbia, sint satis superque.
quam magnus numerus Libyssae harenae
lasarpiciferis iacet Cyrenis
oraclum Iouis inter aestuosi
et Batti ueteris sacrum sepulcrum;
aut quam sidera multa, cum tacet nox,
furtiuos hominum uident amores:
tam te basia multa basiare
uesano satis et super Catullo est,
quae nec pernumerare curiosi
possint nec mala fascinare lingua.

Ask me how many of your kisses, Lesbia,
May be enough and great.
How great a number reclining on Libyan sand
Producing a Cyrenian silphium
Between The writhing oracle of Jupiter
And the sacred tomb of Battus;
Or how many stars, when the silent night,
They see the secret love of the people:
So your kisses many frenzied kisses
Are enough and are above Catullus’,
Which neither count out busybodies
Nor are able create bad words.

But you know, I just cant help but think this whole thing is too perfect. Maybe Im just reading too much into stuff.

Catullus out...

Yay for me

June 8, 692

You guys will never believe this. Me and Lesbia are totally a couple. And to celebrate i wrote this awesome romance poem.

To Lesbia, About kisses

VIVAMUS mea Lesbia, atque amemus,
rumoresque senum seueriorum
omnes unius aestimemus assis!
soles occidere et redire possunt:
nobis cum semel occidit breuis lux,
nox est perpetua una dormienda.
da mi basia mille, deinde centum,
dein mille altera, dein secunda centum,
deinde usque altera mille, deinde centum.
dein, cum milia multa fecerimus,
conturbabimus illa, ne sciamus,
aut ne quis malus inuidere possit,
cum tantum sciat esse basiorum.

We live my Lesbia and we love
and value the rumors of the
old men at less than one cent!
The sun is able to rise and fall,
while we have this brief light,
night is the perpetual sleep.
give me a thousand kisses, then a hundred,
then another thiousand, then a second hundred,
then yet another thousand, the a hundred.
then when we have made many kisses,
we shall lie with this, for now,
while the evil is not able to penetrate,
when we have kisses.

I think I might be falling for this girl.

Catullus out...